The Greatest Christmas Gift!
Hi Everyone,
Michael Sandler here, your host on Inspire Nation. Over the holidays we’ll give you both a mix of new interviews and golden oldies…well, we’re only three months old, so the gold is still pretty shiny!
Today’s show was aired on day #2. It’s an amazing interview with Kamal Ravikant, author of the runaway best-seller Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.
You know, things come in cluster for this show…we’ll get waves of authors talking about one topic, perhaps that’s the Law of Attraction and the Secret, then they’ll be talking about Quantum Mechanics such as The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
and What the Bleep Do We Know, or about Acorns and Oaks, such as with Derek Rydall and Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change
. When a particular topic is important enough, it tends to reach us from many directions.
Even the topic of synchronicity itself, and the area of dreams came in from multiple directions right before interviewing Robert Moss, author of Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life
But no topic has resurfaced as many times, or from as many different guests as the topic of self-love.
We view each topic that comes to us as a divine gift from the universe, something Jessica and I are supposed to learn from and share with our audience. We’re the students, the teachers, and the vehicle.
So today, on the day before Christmas, we wanted to share with you this special interview on self-love. There’s no more important topic. If you want to be truly happy, it doesn’t start with the Ferrari…despite my wishes, nor a Porsche, a home in Sedona, or even our perfect health. It all starts with loving ourselves first. When we love ourselves, all other things are possible.
And if we don’t love ourselves, then at the end of the day, nothing else really matters. For a gift, gadget, gizmo, home, meal, vacation–none of it–truly none of it matters if we’re not happy or in love with ourselves.
But if we are, then all of it seems shinier than gold. Why? Because we’re coming to life and to this amazing present moment from a place of love and gratitude.
I used to be alone over the holidays. It seemed a regular theme for many years, and sometimes it was quite a struggle, until I grew to love myself. So if you’re alone today, don’t despair, you’re listening to this show, and getting guidance from so many amazing teachers out there.
But I challenge you for today, listen deeply to Kamal’s words, and then practice, with all of your heart, soul and might, to begin to love yourself. No, it won’t be easy to begin with. It may be hard, and it may be ugly. But it may also be the greatest Christmas gift you could ever, ever give yourself!
So I send you love. I send you light. And many, many blessings ahead, for Christmas, for this holiday time. And for the new year!
Lastly, if you feel called, we’re still a brand new show (3 months old, though we’re top ten in the world and in 142 countries!!!) and could use your support! Please visit our support page and make a donation, any amount you feel called to share would be great. It helps keep the show going, and feed yours truly…and of course Jessica too.
We send so much love your way, to you, our Inspire Nation Audience. You guys shine, and that’s why we’re doing this!
Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee, Your Inspire Nation Show Team!
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