Good morning Bright and Shiny Beacon of Light!
It’s been an exciting time here, particularly on the physical fitness side of things.
Last week it was surprisingly cold and rainy in the northeast, and so Jessica and I laid low and got a lot of ‘work’ done.
Then this week it got bright and sunny, yet when I headed out to the trails I felt slow, lethargic, and sore.
After less than a week of inactivity (and hours on that pesky chair…chairs are NOT kind) my body was flipping the off-switch to health, clarity and mobility.
Fortunately, after a few days of movement on the trails I feel MUCH better.
The point: we’re often not as out of shape as we think or feel, or out of energy as we believe, we’re simply just out of movement.
The more we can get moving, the better we feel and fast!
The challenge is to build it into a routine. Dr. Michelle Segar, author of No Sweat, talks about making it ridiculously easy to get movement done, like parking far away, getting off the bus a few stops early…or taking the stairs over the elevator.
I also recommend a regular workout routine. Both Jessica and I started weight-lifting late December. At times it’s been hard to keep up, but the results have been worth it. Better moods, memory, focus, blood sugar, strength, inner-power, and happiness…and did I mention, Jessica’s posture is the best I’ve ever seen—and yes, this means greater self-confidence too!
Now we do our best to get to the gym each morning, even if for only 20 minutes. A power-burst of activity…what we call ‘speed lifting’ is enough to get the body going for the day!
According to Dr. Christine Carter, author of The Sweet Spot, the trick is to make it a habit. And we couldn’t agree more. And I’d add find something fun that’d you’d want to keep doing, like a group activity or a favorite trail. Just do it OUT of the house…your chances for success are far greater!
So find something that’s fun for you, and get yourself moving. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.
And for this weekend, see if you can get to a trails, a state park, national park, or city park. Move in nature and see how you feel!
So have a fantastic weekend ahead. Have fun, play, meditate if you can, give yourself all the self-love in the world, and get moving! (And of course, no judgment allowed if you don’t!)
Shine Bright!!!
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