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INSPIRE #245: How to Be Awesomer – Yes, That Means Even More Awesome Than You Already Are!

Michael Neill, Viral Ted Talk ‘er, Shares The Secret to Instantly Plugging In To Greater Peace, Happiness & Inner Strength To Be More Awesomer!

Listen to the podcast below!



Today I’ll be talking with Michael Neill, best-selling author, international renowned transformative coach and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and the rest of us. He has a weekly radio show called Supercoach, and has a brilliant Ted Talk, Why Aren’t We Awesomer. And he has a beautiful new book, I found a LOT of fun, The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home.

So today we’ll talk about becoming awesomer by finding the space within, where you are already perfect, whole, and complete.. How to find it, how to tap into it, and how to use it for greater happiness, performance, creativity connection and of course, love at any moment of your life.

That plus we’ll talk about Bill Gates and Amnesia, what’s at the core of an onion, landing a spacecraft on Asteroid XCF-531, magical cows and milk, roller-coasters on lakes, a giant vacuum cleaner from hell, emotophobia, flying helicopters in the matrix, the magic of the surface Pro 4, and what your daughter Maizy’s favorite t-shirt, has to do with anything.

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Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of The Inside-Out RevolutionYou Can Have What You Want, and Supercoach.

He has spent over 25 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. His books have been translated into 16 languages, and his public talks, retreats, and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and on six continents around the world.

Michael’s weekly radio show, Supercoach, is a listener favorite on Hay House Radio and his TEDx talk, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’, has been viewed by over 100,000 people around the world. His newest book, The Space Within, will be released in May 2016. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook, and learn more at


Michael Neill Online: Website

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Michael Neill’s Ted Talk: Why Aren’t We Awesomer?

Key Topics:

  • What’s the best possible sense of not-thinking
  • What is the vacuum cleaner from hell?
  • What happened to him at age 32?
  • Why the purpose of his book is to help people find their way ‘back home’.
  • What Bill Gates and amnesia have to do with one another.
  • Why we are ‘not that’ and what that means.
  • How do we begin to understand our grandness or ‘who we truly are’
  • What are (Tibetan Buddhism) ‘pointing out instructions’. (meditation instructions)
  • What he discussed in his Ted Talk about phobia cures, panic attacks, and spiders (tarantulas)
  • What is emotophobia???
  • How to move past a bad day and judgment toward ourselves when having a bad day (think meditation)
  • Why you want to abandon the pursuit of happiness
  • What’s the power of insight vs. the effort of change?
  • What can rollercoasters on rivers teach us?
  • Why it’s a level of understanding that transforms our experience of life
  • What ‘The Peace of Mind’ means
  • What Michael learned from his Hay House radio show
  • How we can turn the page and start again, time after time
  • What’s the secret to our resilience
  • What’s your mojo?
  • What’s the definition of performance
  • What is doing without a doer?
  • What is the universal problem, and the universal solution
  • What does asteroid XCF-531 have to do with anything

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