If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, healthier, more loving relationship, at any age then do we have the Conscious Loving Ever After show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks, authors of over 30 books, including the best-sellers The Big Leap and Five Wishes, and a very special look at relationships, Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond.

And that’s just what I want to talk with them about, about how to create thriving relationships, that last, at any age.




Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT*, is an evolutionary catalyst and freelance mentor who has been a pioneer in the field of body intelligence and conscious loving for over forty years. Katie has an international reputation as a presenter and seminar leader, bodifying the core skills of conscious living–authenticity, response-ability and appreciation–with conscious enthusiasts from many fields. She is the co-author of twelve books, including the best-selling Conscious Loving, At The Speed of Life and Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationship at Midlife and Beyond.  Katie has been a successful entrepreneur for over forty years. She specializes in turning concepts such as commitment into felt experience and igniting new actions that emerge from the inside out. Her unique coaching and leadership programs have generated hundreds of body intelligence and relationship coaches in the U.S. and Europe. She co-founded the Spiritual Cinema Circle and the virtual Body Intelligence Summit. Katie has appeared on over 500 radio and television programs and traveled well over one million air miles as the ambassador for the work that she and her husband Gay Hendricks have developed. – See more at:


Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for more than 45 years. After earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay served as professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years. He has written more than 40 books, including bestsellers such as Five Wishes, The Big Leap and Conscious Loving (co-authored with his co-author and mate for more than 35 years, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks), both used as a primary text in universities around the world. In 2003, Gay co-founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle,which distributes inspirational movies and conscious entertainment to subscribers in 70+ countries.

Gay has offered seminars worldwide and appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others. In addition to his work with The Hendricks Institute, Gay is currently continuing his new mystery series that began with The First Rule Of Ten.– See more at:


Katie & Gay Hendricks Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Key Topics:

  • How did Katie and Gay meet?
  • What happened when they became popular from Oprah?
  • How did Gay’s eye start to wander and what did they do?
  • What does it mean we need to make a deep commitment to our own creativie magnificence?
  • What’s it mean to lose touch with your creative essence?
  • What’s creative flow and why’s it important?
  • What’s the commitment they made to themselves and we want to make in relationships.
  • What’s a frog’s eye view of the situation?
  • What’s it mean to turn toward consciousness?
  • What’s the upper limit problem with happiness?
  • What in the world is presencing?
  • What’s the importance of turning toward each other when communicating?
  • What’s the danger of guilt and shame?
  • How do we end the addiction of criticism?
  • What’s stuff talk?
  • What’s heart talk?
  • What’s the importance of a commitment?
  • What one homework assignment should you do to begin working on a better relationship today?
  • To find out more visit:

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INSPIRE #204: Why Great Relationships Need Great Fights & How to Do Them Right! (Judith Wright, EdD & Bob Wright EdD, “The Heart of the Fight”)

How to Crack the Love Code for Better Romance, Sex & Happier Relationships (Dr. Sue Johnson, Love Sense)


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