Mark Wolynn on How to Heal Inherited Family Trauma From Before You Were Born!
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If you’ve ever felt angry, afraid, or don’t understand why in the world you act, or re-act the way you do, then do we have the It Didn’t Start with You, show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with mark Wolynn, founder and director of the Family Constellation Institute, and the author of what I consider a MUST READ BOOK, particularly if you have or are thinking about having children, It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle.
And that’s just what I want to talk with Mark about today about how inherited family trauma shapes who we are and what we do, and how to end the cycle once and for all.
That plus we’ll talk about rats and traumas, mice and cherry blossoms gaining sight, and what in the world Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything.
Mark Wolynn is a leading expert on inherited family trauma. As the director of The Family Constellation Institute in San Francisco, he trains clinicians and treats people struggling with depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive thoughts, self-injury, chronic pain, and illness. A sought-after lecturer, he leads workshops at hospitals, clinics, conferences, and teaching centers around the world. He has taught at the University of Pittsburgh, the Western Psychiatric Institute, Kripalu, The Omega Institute, The New York Open Center, and The California Institute of Integral Studies. His articles have appeared in Elephant Journal and Psych Central, and his poetry has been published in The New Yorker.
Key Topics:
- How he started to go blind
- What was the real cause of his vision loss
- What are some of the challenges of being a forceps baby
- What happens with our words during trauma
- What can we learn from Rachel Yahuda at Mount Sinai Medical about PTSD
- Why we’re 3x more likely to have PTSD if one of our parents had PTSD – and to struggle with depression and anxiety
- Why pups separated from their moms for just 3 hours a day are so traumatized
- Why cherry blossoms and mice has to do with us
- What does Hansel and Gretel have to do with anything – and how can this help us heal from traumas
- What’s wrong with blaming our parents and why it’s so critical to heal these relationships
- What it means that our parents are our spiritual templates
- What happened when a boy started getting violent and stabbing his couch at age 9
- How do we begin to heal?
- How our spiritual, meditation, gratitude, or mindfulness practice can help us heal
- What Dr. Norman Doidge and the brain that changes itself (neuroplasticity) does to help us
- What’s Heps law of neuroplasticity has to do with healing from trauma
- What fires together, wires together
- What is core language and our core sentence
- What’s a genogram?
- How do we find our past hidden traumas
- What about for people who are adopted or don’t have family left
- What are personal healing sentences?
- How healing our traumas help us find spiritual inner peace
- What’s the language of success
- What it means when you say you barely have enough or are just surviving
- Is there a spiritual component or where does spirituality come into this?
- What’s the most important thing you can do to help your kids
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