If you’ve ever wanted greater peace and joy in your life, then do we have the Calm Clarity show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Due Quach, founder and CEO of Calm Clarity, Harvard and Wharton graduate and the author of a beautiful new book on calming your mind, Calm Clarity: How to Use Science to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Wisdom, Fulfillment, and Joy.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a mind hackers guide to rewiring your mind and shifting into brain 3.0.
A refugee from Vietnam and a graduate of Harvard College and the Wharton MBA program, Due overcame the long-term effects of poverty and trauma by turning to neuroscience and meditation. After building a successful international business career in management consulting and private equity investments, Due traveled throughout Asia to study various contemplative traditions and then created the Calm Clarity Program to make mindful leadership accessible to people of all backgrounds.
Due also founded the Collective Success Network by convening first-generation college students and professionals to create innovative approaches to address the challenges faced by first-generation college students from low-income communities.
Key Topics:
- How Due Quach escaped Vietnam as an infant?
- How her family traded one war zone for another?
- How she developed PTSD and how the PTSD manifested in college?
- How she got into Harvard and what happened to her while there?
- Why did she feel her mind was betraying her?
- What does it mean to turn inwards toward your mind?
- What is Brain 1.0, Brain 2.0 and Brain 3.0?
- How did Due end up going to India?
- What did she learn about her mind from visiting Dharma Sala and India?
- How’d she become a brain geek?
- What did she learn?
- What’s your Inner Godzilla?
- What’s your Inner Teen Wolf?
- What’s our Inner Sage?
- What’s the importance of knowing neurons that fire together, wire together?
- How do emotions affect rational thought?
- What are early mind-hacking changes?
- What does laughter have to do with anything?
- What’s it mean to tune into your inner compass
- How do we begin to build brain 3.0?
- What does oxytocin have to do with anything?
- How does meditation help?
- What’s an easy way to begin meditating as a mind-hacking technique?
- What’s it mean to tune into the inner critic and to the inner sage?
- What do humility and gratitude have to do with anything?
- For More Info Visit:
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