Today I’ll be talking with Isaac Lidsky. He’s the author of one of the most jaw dropping, unbelievable and inspiring books I have ever read, Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can’t See Clearly.
Isaac Lidsky knew he was going blind, while he played “Weasel” on the hit sitcom Saved by the Bell, the New Class. He raced back to school to get a degree and make a career for himself, assuming his life would be over once he went blind.
Well, he went blind at 25, and yet instead of darkness, could see more than ever before. He had triplets, a harrowing endeavor for both himself and his wife, turned around a multi-million dollar company that was plummeting through the floor, and in the middle of it all, worked as a law clerk for the two female Supreme Court justices.
He has a powerful message to share on overcoming obstacles, and seeing way beyond your limitations, or living life Eyes Wide Open.
As CEO of a Lighting Technology company, he established a new strategic agenda for the company, then executed an aggressive transformation of the company’s branding approach, innovation agenda, supply chain and organization.
During 10 years at PepsiCo, he held the positions of; Senior Vice President for the Global Snacks Group, SVP of Innovation and Insights for North American Beverages, Chief Marketing Officer for International Snacks, Leader of the company’s consumer facing beverage recycling program for the US, and VP of Marketing for the Sabritas business in Mexico. His successes ranged from re-igniting growth of strong businesses that had plateaued to developing strategies, marketing and innovation plans to better harness the power of multi-billion dollar global brands.
During 16 years at Procter and Gamble, he had a very international career, unleashing the potential of businesses in the US, Sweden, England, Venezuela, and Brazil. His successes ranged from starting up small businesses within the company, to turning around large stagnating businesses, to accelerating the growth of large iconic brands.
An avid adventurer and sailor, he embarked on a 16 month voyage to sail around the world. This built his courage, strengthened his leadership skills in ways that can never be learned sitting behind a desk, and reignited his sense of adventure.
Upon his return, he developed the “Unleashing Your Full Potential” program, effectively combining the learnings from all his business experience and all his life experience.
Key Topics:
- When did he get his first TV commercial?
- How’d he end up becoming Weasel on Saved by the Bell, The New Class?
- How’d he end up going to Harvard at 16?
- What was happening to his eyes at the time?
- What does it mean that what we see is not real?
- What is the bias that’s taking place with our sight?
- How was his blindness detected?
- What happened after being diagnosed?
- What was the fear like?
- Why was the fear worse than the diagnosis?
- What did he learn about fear by going blind?
- What is awfulizing?
- What happened after graduating from Harvard Law School?
- How’d he end up working for Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- What happened to his plans for starting a family?
- What were the 98 days spent in the hospital by himself and his wife
- How did he end up with triplets and what was their harrowing ordeal?
- How did he end up leaving law and buying a sinking company with three newborns?
- What happened just weeks after buying the company?
- What was the miracle that saved him from being completely wiped out?
- How did blindness give him vision?
- What did his wife do that helped him get through?
- What does it mean that strength tested begets strength?
- What did he learn about fear and how to view fear through the process?
- What do we all need to know about fear?
- What do we need to teach our kids about how to overcome obstacles and look at fear?
- What homework would he give us to live our own lives Eyes Wide Open?
- For More Info visit:
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