INSPIRE #523: THE POWER OF LOVE! + Guided Meditation!
Jessica Lee on How to Use the Power of Love and Getting Light to Transform Your Life! + Guided Meditation
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Today we’re gonna talk about the power of love…what it means, how to crank it up, and why in the world it’s more important now than ever.
That plus we’ll talk about pink eyes, night-time hypnosis, the power of mantras and meditations, and why in the world Love Bug likes to fly!
Key Topics:
- What in the world’s a love bug?
- What’s the definition of a true alpha male?
- What does a lack of judgment have to do with happiness?
- What does it mean to be in the present moment for love?
- What’s the spiritual significance of an eye problem?
- What does it mean to look into your heart?
- What does it mean to surrender for your highest good?
- How love can replace the fear of ‘lack’ or not getting things done
- Why you cannot push fear away, but how love can move it out
- What pain can do to your happiness
- How we can choose happiness, even when you’re in pain
- What’s the importance of a decision
- How connecting to our loved ones on the other side can help us get to a place of love
- How to move past the obscurations in front of us
- How Ho’oponopono can help
- Why chastising ourselves when we get sick is never a good idea
- How to move past waves of emotion by cranking up the love
- Why’s it’s so important to go into a place of childlike joy
- How movement can create great shifts
- What does it mean to get light?
- A beautiful light and love guided meditation
Related Podcasts:
INSPIRE #516: HOW TO CHOOSE LOVE OVER FEAR! + Guided Meditation (Jessica Lee & Michael Sandler)
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