Matt Kahn on How to Love Whatever Arises and Discover Our Highest, Greatest Selves! + Guided Meditation!
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If you’ve ever struggled with ups, downs, and even sideways emotions, then do we have the Whatever Arises, Love That
show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Matt Kahn, one of my all-time favorite spiritual teachers and the author of one of the most beautiful, important, and transformative books out there, Whatever Arises, Love That.
And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about a love revolution that begins with you, in each and every moment, and how to cultivate self love, and feel good now.
That plus we’ll talk about visionary dreams, gardens and flowers, ascendant masters, who’s really behind the mask, and why you might want to ask angels and guides for help when you’re working on your bench press!
Matt Kahn is an author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned empathic healer. His spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and through his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangels throughout his life. Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, as an empath, Matt feels the emotions of others and is able to pinpoint what blocks any heart from opening. As a result, he brings forth revolutionary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assist energetically-sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love. He is a bridge between the mystical realms and the path of awakening who inspires profound spiritual growth and life-changing energetic expansion to audiences worldwide through a spoken transmission of presence. Through the words Matt is intuitively guided to share, an energy shift occurs to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, rewrite the subconscious mind, and unravel the overstimulated nervous system. The result of this transmission ranges from a more balanced emotional body, the elimination of stress, fear, doubt, and despair, greater connection with the Universe, the activation of intuitive gifts, spontaneous remission, deeper intimacy in relationships, as well as direct experiences of self-realization. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened to their true nature through Matt’s profound and loving teachings, and transmission of sacred heart wisdom.
Key Topics:
- How to cultivate self-love
- What started Matt down his spiritual path?
- Where are we all on our spiritual path or evolution?
- What does it mean to be in discord with our true nature?
- Where does fear fit in to our spiritual evolution?
- The coolest description of fear ever
- What is the collective global awakening vs. what is the individual awakening
- What is vibrational co-dependency
- What’s the true meaning of the word allowance?
- What’s the two minute habit of “I Love You”
- What’s the difference between I Love You and I Love Myself
- Why we are each worthy of self-love
- How do we move past the subconscious when it comes to self-love
- How to help the conditioning inside of us to let go of us
- What’s the meaning behind repeating patterns
- How do we allow recurring patterns to let go of you
- How to use “I Love You” to move past recurring patterns
- What it means to welcome everything as divinity
- What it means to get in accord
- What’s the power of everything being difficult
- How do we get out of the way of our dreams, desires and ambitions
- How to step aside and allow the things we envision to actually manifest
- What is the true meaning of surrender
- What are the different levels of surrendering
- What’s the true meaning of transcendence?
- and also join free newsletter with a free mp3 energetic activation
Related Podcasts:
INSPIRE #406: HOW TO LOVE THE LIFE YOU HAVE! (Roger Housden, “Dropping The Struggle”)
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What was the date of MK #452?
Originally published on Dec 4th, 2016.