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Natasha Alter – How Astrology Affects Our Lives, What Our Charts Mean & Even Where to Live!

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If you’ve ever wondered if the answer’s in the stars, and what in the world that means anyway, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with astrologer Natasha Alter, about astrology 101 and discovering our path through astrology.

That plus we’ll talk about planets rising, presidential inaugurations, psychology in Stockholm, and why in the world mercury is always in retrograde.

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Astrology appeared quite early in my life – I discovered a booklet of Astrological sign descriptions in my mom’s drawer and secretly read it whenever I had a chance. It was my first gateway to the mystery of human nature, and first connection to Cosmic design.

As a teen, I was introduced to metaphysics by my beloved father Alexander and a long exploration of world’s spiritual and philosophical heritage has began. I pursued a conventional academic education, getting M.A. in Literature in St. Petersburg, but my passion and curiosity for metaphysical and esoteric knowledge continued to evolve.

After leaving my native Russia, I traveled extensively, living both in Europe and USA, continuing to research cosmologies of East and West. I studied Psychology at Stockholm University just to realize that rigid academic approach to nature of consciousness and psyche was not providing the depth of knowledge I was looking for.

Eventually, though a brilliant chain of events and fated encounters, Astrology reappeared in my life and once re-experienced, became my primary passion, focus of studies and eventually, a calling. It proved to be the most integral, comprehensive and accurate system I found thus far to access deepest issues of human nature and offer as service to others. I explored different streams of modern astrology, found resonance with Evolutionary Astrology of Jeff Green, studied with prominent Evolutionary Astrologer Maurice Fernandez and have been offering consultations for over a decade.

I speak five European languages and offers sessions in English, Swedish and Russian. I currently live on the Big Island of Hawaii next to an active volcano Kilauea, surrounded by elements, magik of the land, infinite horizons of the ocean and warmth of the local community.


Natasha Alter Online: Website | Facebook

Key Topics:

  • How Natasha was introduced to metaphysics & astrology
  • What synchronicities have to do with anything?
  • What it means to embrace the moment and trust in the experience?
  • What’s a natal chart and why does our birth date or time matter?
  • How long has astrology been practiced?
  • What does timing have to do with astrology?
  • How chart astrology is a fantastic tool for learning the power of surrender
  • What is astro-cartography – of finding your matches to live
  • What does activation mean?
  • What it means to be connected
  • What astrology has to do with time?
  • How astrology helps you know yourself and be in alignment with you are?
  • What’s wrong with newspaper astrology?
  • What is mercury in retrograde and what does it mean?
  • How does astrology help parents in general?
  • Why chart-reading is so important for a child – and for the parents
  • and
  • What is the shifting of the Ages into Aquarius – what does that mean?

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