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INSPIRE #346: Discover the Microbiome Solution & Get Healthy from the Inside Out!

Dr. Robynne Chutkan – Frequently on Dr. Oz, Shares How to Heal Your Body by Healing Your Gut!

Listen to the podcast below!




If you’ve ever had stomach problems, digestion issues, constipation, a bloated belly, irritable bowel syndrome, or autoimmune disorders than do we have the gut healing show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Robynne Chutkan, one of the countries most recognizable gastroenterologists and the best-selling author of Gutbliss, the Bloat Cure, and her latest book The Microbiome Solution: A Radical New Way to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, a radical new way to heal your body from the inside out, by healing your gut.

That plus we’ll talk about hookworm therapy, the power of parasites, why you want your kids dirty, skipping showers, pharmageddon, the transformative power of goats, why you just might want to smell your son or daughter, the power of poop, and what your orthopedist dad will tell you to do, whether you’ve got a sprained ankle or the flu.

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Robynne Chutkan, M.D., is one of the most recognizable gastroenterologists working in America today. Dr. Chutkan has a B.S. from Yale and an M.D. from Columbia, and operates and teaches in the gastroenterology department at Georgetown University Hospital. An avid snowboarder, marathon runner, and Vinyasa yoga practitioner, she is dedicated to helping her patients live not just longer, but better lives.


Dr. Robynne Chutkan Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter  

Key Topics:

  • What’s going on with our guts and our microbiome
  • What she learned growing up in Jamaica with a Hindu dad and guts
  • What cryptosporidiosis is and what is giardia and why are they triggering post-infection irritable bowel syndrome
  • What antibiotics are doing to our micribiome
  • Why antibiotics beget antibiotics and sinus infections
  • Why you want to check out the Dr. Terry Wahls protocol
  • What we now know about nutrition and the gut
  • What do we know about dairy
  • Are antibiotics in the water?
  • What’s wrong with chlorine in the water?
  • What’s wrong with hand-sanitizer
  • What is dysbiosis
  • What’s the danger of NSAIDS –
  • What’s the danger of birth-control?
  • What are wrong with low-calorie sweeteners?
  • Why artificial sweeteners are a risk for diabetes
  • What Dr. Michele Segar (author of No Sweat) can teach us for motivation
  • How sugar decreases your ability to fight infection
  • Why is the gut causing belly fat or us to get fat
  • What’s a fecal transplant?
  • What’s the danger of a diet?
  • What is rosacea and how do carbs affect it
  • What all carbs are not created equal
  • What are green bananas
  • What’s wrong with sodium lauryl sulfate
  • What happened with her daughter

Related Podcasts:

How Not to Die! Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent & Reverse Disease (Dr. Michael Greger)

How to Supercharge Your Immune System & Cure Autoimmune Disease 100% (Dr. Terry Wahls, The Wahls Protocol)


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