INSPIRE #315: How to Get Social Media Savvy!
Jeremy Goldman on how to get social media savvy for your business, career, personal life & more!
Listen to the podcast below!
If you’ve ever wanted a better jobs, more opportunities, or to reach more people, then do we have the social media building show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Goldman, social media guru, founder and CEO of Firebrand, a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, considered one of the top 25 influential ad execs on Twitter and has the #1 best-selling social media book Going Social and his latest, Getting to Like: How to Boost Your Personal and Professional Brand to Expand Opportunities, Grow Your Business, and Achieve Financial Success.
Today we’ll talk about social media and you, the individual. What it means to build your brand, why you need to do it and how to do it, without going from like to seriously dislike.
That plus we’ll talk about why Kanye’s not an idiot, how DadaRocks, why you want to write drunk and edit sober, why you don’t want to flirt on Linked In, when it’s time to say when while eating your second super-sized sandwhich at Melt, why Venezuela deserves a big thanks, how to get your cat Puckles to fetch your sandals, and why Snowshoe and Clover are sporting new do’s…
For over fifteen years, Jeremy Goldman has been working with companies looking to take their operations online and integrate social media into their processes. He has managed global ecommerce and social media for a number of global beauty brands, including Kiehl’s Since 1851. He is the founder and CEO of Firebrand Group, an award-winning futureproofing firm focused on building powerful brands through innovative digital marketing and social media strategies, and counts Unilever, L’Oreal, Consumer Reports, and Movado amongst his clientele.
Jeremy is a recognized branding expert, having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, BBC, Mashable, CNBC, SmartMoney,, ReadWriteWeb, Clickz, and InformationWeek. Business Insider calls him “one of the 25 Most Influential Ad Execs On Twitter.”
In addition to his work managing Firebrand Group, Jeremy is the founder of Mosaic, a New York City-based networking group helping digital marketers at all levels work on their personal brands. He is a columnist for, a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, and enjoys spending at least three minutes daily with his wife, daughter, and five pets.
In 2013 he released Going Social which went on to become the #1 social media book in the world; his next, Getting to Like: How to Boost Your Personal and Professional Brand to Expand Opportunities, Grow Your Business, and Achieve Financial Success (with co-author Ali B. Zagat) debuts this May.
Key Topics:
- What is social media 101
- What’s happening with SnapChat
- Why different social media are better for different purposes
- What’s a personal brand and what does it mean?
- What’s it mean to become a CEO fo Me Inc.
- Why job hopping is the new normal for millennials
- Why future employers look at your LinkedIn and FaceBook page.
- Why it’s so important to google yourself
- Who is the Fat Jew?
- What we can learn about Adam Cohen and
- Who is Melvin Kierny
- What’s the power in social media and blogging of consistency
- What’s the importance of a pivot
- What exactly is content creation
- What it means to write drunk and edit sober
- Why you want to take action quickly, but be mindful and pause
- Why mindfulness is so important for email
- Why you want to meditate on your social media and email decisions
- What is twitter 101 and what’s a great way to tweet today?
- Why you want to look at twitter as a chat room
- How crucial is the visual element on Facebook and twitter?
- What does it mean to brand on a platform by platform basis
- What is LinkedIn headlines?
- Why it’s so important to be consistent and yourself on social media
- Social media for introverts?
- Why you want to focus on your strengths?
- How can we automate our social media?
- How can we begin to automate our email?
- Tweet @Jeremarketer on twitter
- What is Audiense – great way to parse twitter followers
- Manageflitter
- For email
- Mailchimp
- Hubspot
- com site
- Boomerang (now hubspot sales)
- Contactually
- What it means to automate authentically?
- Ifttt (if this than that)
- Buffer
- Zapier
- Why we don’t want to be plugged in 24/7
- Why you don’t want to check email first thing in the morning
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INSPIRE #285: The Awesome Art of Listening that Wins People Over (Dave Kerpen, “The Art of People”)
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