INSPIRE #162: How to Free Yourself from the Past, Change Your Present & Get What You Really Want! Plus Meditation!
Christine Hassler, Former Hollywood Agent to the Stars Shares How to Free Yourself From Your Past, Change Your Present & Get What You Really Want! Plus Guided Meditation! Expectation Hangover
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If you’ve ever faced a setback disappointment, failure, or situation that’s out of your control, and sends you reeling, then do we have the show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Christine Hassler, the best-selling author of 20-Something, 20-Everything: A Quarter-life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction and the author of Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself from Your Past, Change Your Present & Get What You Really Want.
So today we’ll talk about freeing yourself from your past, changing your present, and getting what you really want, even the life of your dreams, by learning how to manager your expectations.
That plus we’ll talk about the temper tantrum technique, how to “woah”, and why you should never go to Chinese restaurants when you’re looking for nachos.
Christine Hassler is author of the national bestseller Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From Your Past, Change Your Present, and Get What You Really Want, as well as the 20 Something, 20 Everything and The 20 Something Manifesto. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade she has been sharing her passion to ease suffering on the planet as a speaker, retreat facilitator and life coach. Christine believes once we get out of our own way, we can show up to make the meaningful impact we are here to make. Visit her online at
Key Topics:
- How is George Clooney as a kisser?
- How Christine found that even a Hollywood life wasn’t ‘enough’
- What to do when plan A doesn’t work
- How we project our identity, and why whether we get something or not, it’s a double-edged sword
- How she wanted to quit her Hollywood job, even when ‘everything’ was seemingly going great for her.
- What a leap of faith is to Christine – and why you don’t want to wait
- How she lost her career, health, money, family, love.
- How she had a pivotal bathroom floor moment
- How there’s even a book called “Quarter-Life Crisis”
- How she became a writer Twenty-Something, Twenty-Everything to write a book to help people with quarter-life crisis.
- How she came up with tools in Expectation Hangover
- What is an expectation hangover?
- How to give people most what people won’t give themselves
- What passion and compassion really mean.
- Why ‘God puts his gifts closest to us’
- Why Christine used to be brutally hard with herself
- Why self-compassion is so important.
- What’s a treatment plan and how is it broken down?
- What is release writing?
- What’s the temper tantrum technique
- Why everyone has some anger in them
- How to know if you have hidden or repressed anger (you may not even know about)
- Why we need to take on the role of the surfer and ride the waves of our emotions – and let the emotions out
- Why each expectation hangover can lead to amazing growth
- What does it mean to be aware you’re a horseback rider (of your mind)
- What is an instant whoa and how do we do it?
- What’s a tool for releasing guilt and regret?
- How do we claim our super-hero powers?
- What’s the spiritual level?
- How do we avoid a spiritual bypass?
- How do we realize suffering is just part of the spiritual journey
- Why don’t we want to go to Chinese food restaurants for nachos.
- What’s the Over It and On With It podcast?
- What is radical self reflection and how can it help you?
- How to get the Ah Ha and the now what.
- Guided Meditation: Guided Self-Compassion Meditation
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