Brilliant, prophetic interview with the former Chief Business officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat (I love talking with Mo!), on how fast Artificial Intelligence is becoming smarter than us, what this means for our future, and how we can train artificial intelligence (and keep ourselves safe!!!) by working on our own happiness today!
In essence, Artificial Intelligence is like a little child, watching and learning from what we do, not what we say…and very soon it will be much smarter than us…and soon enough, 1 billion times smarter than us.
To keep ourselves safe and for humanity, we must “teach our children well.” And to teach our AI children, we need to shift our focus toward kindness, compassion, and happiness.
And that’s what we talk about too, how to shift our focus to happiness, how we can become happier today, and help others Solve for Happy as well!!!
Today I’ll be talking with Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer for Google X and the author of an incredibly touching and powerful book and treatise on happiness, Solve for Happy and an incredibly powerful movement, One Billion Happy.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, happiness and artificial intelligence and what it means for you!!!
Mo Gawdat is the Chief Business Officer for Google [X], a serial entrepreneur, and author of “Solve for Happy.”
Mo has an impressive combined career of 27 years, starting at IBM Egypt as a Systems Engineer before moving to a sales role in the government sector. Venturing to the UAE, Mo joined NCR Abu Dhabi to cover the non-finance sector. He then became acquainted with the consumer goods industry as Regional Manager of BAT. At Microsoft he assumed various roles over a span of seven and a half years, and in his last role at Microsoft he headed the Communications Sector across Emerging Markets worldwide.
Mo joined Google in 2007 to kick-start its business in Emerging Markets. He is fascinated by the role that technology plays in empowering people in emerging communities and has dedicated years of his career towards that passion. Over a period of 6 years, Mo started close to half of Google’s operations worldwide.
In 2013 he moved to Google’s infamous innovation arm, Google [X] where he led the business strategy, planning, sales, business development and partnerships. [X] does not attempt to achieve incremental improvements in the way the world works, but instead, it tries to develop new technologies that will reinvent the way things are and deliver a radical, ten fold—10X—improvement. This leads to seemingly SciFi ideas such as: Project Loon, which aims to use high-altitude balloons to provide affordable internet access to the 5 billion people on every square inch of our planet, Project Makani, aiming to revolutionize wind energy generation using autonomous carbon fiber kites as well as self-driving cars, Google Life Sciences, and many more. The business team under Mo’s leadership has designed innovative business models analogous to the disruptive technologies [X] creates and has created deep partnerships and global deals that enabled [X] to thrive and build products fit for the real world.
Alongside his career, Mo remained a serial entrepreneur who has cofounded more than 20 businesses in fields such as health and fitness, food and beverage, and real estate. He served as a board member in several technology, health and fitness, and consumer goods companies as well as several government technology and innovation boards in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. He mentors tens of start-ups at any point in time.
Mo Gawdat is the author of “Solve for Happy: Engineering Your Path to Joy” (2017). Through his 12-year research on the topic of happiness, he created an algorithm and a repeatable well engineered model to reach a state of uninterrupted happiness regardless of the circumstances of life. Mo’s happiness model proved highly effective. And, in 2014, it was put to the ultimate test when Mo lost his son Ali to preventable medical error during a simple surgical procedure. Solve For Happy is the pillar for a mission Mo has committed to as his personal moonshot, a mission to deliver his happiness message to 10 million people around the world.
Mohammad speaks Arabic, English, German. Outside of work, when he’s not writing or reading up on business and the latest technology innovations and trends, Mo spends his time drawing charcoal portraits, creating mosaics, carpentry and indulging in his passion for restoration of classic cars.
Key Topics:
- How did Mo Gawdat help launch Google – in particular worldwide?
- How did Mo become the Chief Business Officer of Google X?
- What are “real world humans”?
- What does it mean we have departed from our humanity?
- How is technology alienating us from our own humanity?
- What are the challenges of Artificial Intelligence today?
- How long will it be before Artificial Intelligence is smarter than we are in general intelligence (singularity)?
- What are the dangers of Artificial Intelligence becoming smarter than us?
- What do they believe will happen with artificial intelligence over the next 30 years and what does it mean for us?
- What do we need to do to keep ourselves safe from Artificial Intelligence?
- What does Artificial Intelligence have to do with our happiness?
- What do we need to teach AI and what do we need to teach ourselves?
- How do we make happiness our priority?
- How can we solve for happy, or simply choose happiness?
- How can we infect happiness in those around us?
- What does Mo mean that life is a game?
- How do we then game happiness…and make life more fun???
- What’s the importance of loving ourselves?
- What’s the importance of who we surround ourselves with?
- What are the top three tips we need to know to solve for happy?
- To find out more visit and
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