If you’ve ever worried about your health or the health of your kids and how to make it better, then do we have the Sicker Fatter Poorer show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Leonardo Trasande, internationally renowned leader in children’s environmental heath and the author of a brilliant…albeit unsettling book on endocrine disrupters and health, Sicker Fatter Poorer.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, the urgent threat of hormone-disrupting chemicals to our health and future and what we can do about it.
He is the Jim G. Hendrick MD Associate Professor, Director of the Division of Environmental Pediatrics and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Pediatrics at NYU School of Medicine. He also serves on the faculty of the NYU Wagner School of Public Service and the NYU College of Global Public Health.
Dr. Trasande is an internationally renowned leader in environmental health. His research focuses on the impacts of chemicals on hormones in our bodies. He also has led the way in documenting the economic costs for policy makers of failing to prevent diseases of environmental origin proactively.
He is perhaps best known for a series of studies published in Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism that document disease costs due to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the US and Europe of $340 billion and €163 billion annually, respectively. For information about this work, READ MORE
He is also Principal Investigator for a research project comparing neurodevelopment, cardiometabolic, and respiratory profiles of children exposed in utero to the World Trade Center disaster to a comparison group. READ MORE
Key Topics:
- How’d Dr. Trasande end up in public health policy from Harvard?
- What was the Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Disease Burden Working Group?
- What did they learn about endocrine disprupting chemicals and why is this so important for us?
- What’s the difference between a playground in 1962 and one today?
- What are the chemicals with the strongest evidence of health effects?
- What are some of the potential side-effects?
- What is endocrine disruption?
- What’s the difference in these chemicals between the US and Europe?
- What’s happening to our babies?
- What is the connection between chemicals, diabetes, and obesity?
- What do we need to know about BPA, and are the replacements any better?
- What’s wrong with the concept “everything in moderation”?
- What’s going on with autism in kids (and especially boys) today?
- What do we need to know about thyroid hormones especially in newborns?
- What can you tell us about pesticides in the brain?
- Key ways we can remove these chemicals and improve our lives
- What’s a natural mattress and truly natural materials?
- What’s wrong with flame retardants?
- What do we need to know about packaged foods?
- Are plastic containers safe?
- What about non-stick pans?
- What do we need to know about ADHD and Autism?
- What’s wrong with canned foods?
- What are obesogens?
- What’s a chemical whak-a-mole?
- How do we protect our kids?
- To find out more
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