If you’ve ever wanted to find greater freedom and peace, then do we have the Daily Reflection on Addiction, Yoga, and Getting Well show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Rolf Gates, the author of Meditations from the Mat and Meditations on Intention and Being, a former social worker and US Airborne Ranger, the co-founder of the Yoga and Recovery Conference, and the author of an incredibly beautiful, peaceful, life-healing work, Daily Reflections on Addiction, Yoga, and Getting Well.
Rolf Gates, author of the acclaimed book on yogic philosophy Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga, is one of the leading voices of modern yoga. Rolf conducts Vinyasa Intensives and 200/500 Teacher Trainings throughout the US and abroad. A former social worker and US Airborne Ranger who has practiced meditation for the last twenty years, Rolf brings his eclectic background to his practice and his teachings. Born in Manhattan, Rolf grew up in the Boston area as an avid marathon runner, long distance cyclist, and champion wrestler. As the descendant of six generations of ministers, he gained an understanding of service and dedication at a very early age.
Rolf and his work have been featured in numerous magazines including Yoga Journal, Natural Health and People Magazine. His practice is one of Travel and Leisures’ Top 25 Yoga Studios Around the World. A frequent conference presenter, he was the Keynote Speaker at the 10th Annual Midwest Yoga Conference, IL. Rolf is also honored to be a contributor in the newly released Good Men Project: Real Stories from the Front Lines of Modern Manhood being featured nationally on television and in print to include Ron Reagan’s Air America, Fox and Friends, EXTRA and The Tyra Banks Show and more. (All proceeds from this project go to support groups working with men and boys at risk).
Rolf Gates is the co-founder of the Yoga + Recovery Conference, Esalen Institute, Big Sur CA and brought Yoga and Functional Stretching to the US Department of Defenses’ Tri- County Summit on Sustainability. He is pleased to be working with the US Military on sustainable care for the troops and their families. Rolf also works weekly one on one with clients in his Yoga Life Coaching program.
Rolf now lives in Santa Cruz with his wife, Empowered Kids Yoga Teacher and Director, Mariam Gates, and two children, Jasmine and Dylan. He has become an avid surfer and puts his yoga to work on his board and as a husband and father.
Key Topics:
- How did Rolf become anxious from his first memory forward?
- How’d he end up sitting at the back of the class?
- How’d he end up with an addiction?
And how’d he become an Airborne Ranger? - Who took him to his first 12-step meeting and what did he learn?
- What does it mean to surrender?
- What did his mentor Henry teach him
- What’s the groove between training and success?
- What’s the importance of commitment?
- What it means to get good at something?
- How can learning be an excitement and a win?
- How we can relax tension in our bodies and our lives?
- How we can let go of suffering in our bodies?
- How to bring ease and stillness to your mind?
- What it means to be held by your truth?
- What does it mean to be an open-hearted warrior?
- What does it mean to let go of the fight and let things be?
- How we can use the power of prayer?
- What does it mean to remember the grace?
- What’s the importance of silence?
- What does it mean to meet pain with compassion?
- What’s the gentleness we have to learn about our own learning process?
- What does resolve mean and how do we use it?
- What it means to rest in the present moment?
- To find out more visit:
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