If you’ve wanted to discover what matters most, then do we have the Waking Up in Winter show for you!
Today I’ll be speaking with Cheryl Richardson, New York Times Best-selling author, internationally recognized coach and the author of a really special new book and look at what matter’s most, Waking Up in Winter.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about a search for what really matters and making meaning in our lives!
Times bestselling author of several books including: Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers, Stand Up for Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, The Art of Extreme Self Care, and You Can Create an Exceptional Life (with Louise Hay). Her work has been covered widely in the media including The Today Show, CBS This Morning, New York Times, USA Today, Good Housekeeping, and O Magazine. Cheryl was also the team leader for the Lifestyle Makeover Series on the Oprah Winfrey Show and she accompanied Ms. Winfrey on the “Live Your Best Life” nationwide tour. You can visit her at as well as on Facebook at:, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram under the user name: coachoncall
Key Topics:
- Who is May Sarton and how did she affect Cheryl Richardson’s path?
- What’s the importance of journaling?
- What happened after a yearlong series for the Oprah Winfrey Show?
- Why didn’t Cheryl want to write another self-help book?
- How was she double-questioning her life and how did it help?
- What did she learn from her first coach?
- What did she learn from Debbie Ford?
- What did Debbie Ford share with her before passing away, and how did it change her life?
- What did she learn from Louise Hay about the importance of our words, and how we speak to ourselves?
- How did she learn to live with someone with an opposite schedule to hers?
- What’s it mean that marriage is the ultimate spiritual school?
- Why are our partners completely incapable for meeting our most important needs?
- What was her internal struggle?
- How did it manifest and how do we feel these things in ourselves?
- When you hear this, how does one take action?
- How do we calm down our inner girl or boy while simultaneous addressing an audience?
- What was the promise she made to herself about her work, and how can it help each of us?
- Why is it so important (from Louise Hay) we make a good relationship with ourselves?
- What’s our inner terrorist and what do we do with them?
- What can we learn from animals in our lives – or what are they hear to teach us?
- How can we begin finding what really matters most in our lives?
- For More Info Visit: and “coachoncall” on instagram and twitter.
Related Podcasts:
INSPIRE #545: HOW TO CRAFT A LIFE THAT MATTERS!!! (Emily Esfahani Smith, “The Power Of Meaning”)
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