If you’ve ever wanted more time in your day, or to simply keep time from flying by, then do we have The Art of Stopping Time show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Pedram Shojai, qigong master, master herbalist, and doctor of oriental medicine. He’s also the host of The Health Bridge and The Urban Monk podcasts and the author of a fantastic new book for putting the pause back in life, The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about–how to wake up to your full potential by making the most of the time you have.
Dr. Pedram Shojai is former Taoist monk who is an accomplished physician of Chinese medicine and has lectured on wellness around the world. His no-nonsense approach teaches esoteric concepts to Western readers in an easy to understand way. His 3 DVD series titled “The Alchemy of Qi Gong” has received acclaim at the COVR awards. Pedram is currently involved in a number of philanthropic causes that revolve around public health, fair trade, and education.
Key Topics:
- How did Dr. Pedram Shojai come to study time?
- What is time prosperity?
- What’s the importance of the pause and taking deep breaths?
- How do we begin to stop time?
- What it means that you sit in the driver’s seat of your experience.
- How breathing can bring you into a completely different state of reality.
- What time is not the static thing we think it is
- Why being busy isn’t a trophy you want to wear
- What does the word “velocity” have to do with anything?
- Where we can find optimal performance and our spirit begins to shine
- What we can learn from watching elite athletes preparing for their big game?
- What’s the importance of simplicity
- How to tap into the eternal space within you?
- How do you slow down your vibration to protect your resources?
- What’s the importance of knowing your expiration date or your mortality?
- What’s the importance of understanding our impermanence
- How we can reframe our priorities in a moment – and what that means for us.
- Who are we and why are we hear?
- What’s the challenge of striving to find your purpose?
- What are your flowers in the garden?
- What is your life garden?
- How do we weed our life garden?
- What’s the importance of the question “no”?
- How we can use the question “no” to bring about more energy for our “yeses”.
- How to use the Law of Attraction for Intention?
- How to make a plan for intention?
- How do discover where you’re being frivolous with your time and your life force?
- What we need to do to help our kids to learn the art of stopping time?
- What’s the importance of meditation?
- What’s a once a day 5 minute breathing meditation?
- A guided meditation to help you live in an operating system of controlling time.
- For more info visit: or
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