Today I’ll be speaking with Vanessa Van Edwards, behavioral investigator and professional people watcher, and the author of a fascinating manual on how to be a better earthling, Captivate
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about the The Science of Succeeding with People, and how to go from awkward to on top.
That plus we’ll talk about cool kids and hiccups, pop rocks over mints, helmet hair without helmets, Space Mountain and the Tiki Room, what we can all learn from the Bachelorette and why in the world your v-necks have to be plaid!
Vanessa Van Edwards is a published author and behavioral investigator. She is a professional people watcher—speaking, researching and cracking the code of interesting human behavior for audiences around the world. Vanessa’s groundbreaking workshops and courses teach individuals how to succeed in business and life by understanding the hidden dynamics of people. Vanessa is a Huffington Post columnist and Penguin author. She has been featured on NPR, the Wall Street Journal, the Today Show and USA Today. She has written for CNN, Fast Company and Forbes.
Vanessa has spoken to groups across the globe from the stage at the Consumer Electronic Show to presenting research at MIT. She has used her research to consult for numerous Fortune 500 companies including American Express, Clean and Clear and Symantec.
She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Emory University in 2007 and is SETT certified with Dr. Paul Ekman, SUBx certified with Dr. David Matsumoto, is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and certified in Statement Analysis.
Key Topics:
- What does the Woo Hoo have to do with power-poses?
- What are poses of pride?
- What happened to Vanessa in Grade School?
- What happened when she tried to make friends?
- How did she start studying human behavior?
- What are the top ten hacks for human behavior and social success?
- What can we learn from Harry Truman and playing to your strengths?
- What’s wrong with faking it till we make it?
- Are our emotions contagious?
- What’s a social game plan?
- Who is the conductor Arild Remmereit and what can we learn from him?
- What’s the triple threat?
- What can we learn about snap judgments or first impressions – and how do we make the best one?
- What’s the importance of using your hands?
- What can we learn from Vanessa at Space Mountain?
- What are conversational sparks and what’s a Big Talk?
- What is Vanessa’s challenge to take a vow of silence – and what can we gain from it?
- What’s the Thread Theory?
- Wrong’s wrong with Not Me comments?
- What’s a decoder?
- What can we learn from watching the Bachelorette?
- What are the seven microexpressions and how do we use them to uncover the truth???
- How can we identify faces better: visit: www.SciencefPeople/Face
- What’s the importance of showing someone you value them???
- What’s the importance of empowering others?
- What’s the Franklin effect?
- For More Info Visit:
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