Jon Gordon on Success Strategies to Turn Your Life into The Greatest Masterpiece You Can!!!
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Have you ever wanted to turn your life into a work of art, or make it the greatest it can be, then if so, do we have The Carpenter show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Jon Gordon, the Bestselling author of numerous books including the Energy Bus, and You Win in the Locker Room First, a consultant to Fortune 500 companies, and to teams in the NBA NFL, and Major League Baseball, and the author of a fantastic book I read over and over again, The Carpenter: A Story About the Greatest Success Strategies of All.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about some of the Greatest Success Strategies of them all.
That plus we’ll talk about the importance of a burrito and a sandwich, lessons from a dog named Matt, becoming our own chief caring officers, and what you can learn from coaching 9 year old girl’s basketball.
Jon Gordon’s best-selling books and talks have inspired readers and audiences around the world. His principles have been put to the test by numerous NFL, NBA, MLB coaches and teams, Fortune 500 companies, school districts, hospitals and non-profits. He is the author of numerous books including The Wall Street Journal bestseller The Energy Bus, Soup, The No Complaining Rule, Training Camp, and The Carpenter. Jon and his tips have been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox and Friends and in numerous magazines and newspapers. His clients include The Atlanta Falcons, LA Clippers, Pittsburgh Pirates, Campbell Soup, Wells Fargo, Northwestern Mutual, Publix, Southwest Airlines, Bayer, West Point Academy and more.
Jon is a graduate of Cornell University and holds a Masters in Teaching from Emory University. He and his training/consulting company are passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations and teams.
Key Topics:
- What’s it mean to live your life by design?
- What’s the importance of building with the end in mind?
- What are the important questions to ask yourself to come up with this vision?
- Where does spirituality or divine guidance fit into this?
- What’s it mean to approach your work as a craftsman?
- What’s the importance of bringing love and gratitude to your work?
- What’s the importance of a tribe of runners from the Andes?
- How is love a strategy?
- What’s the importance of serving?
- What’s the importance of caring?
- Where does faith fit in to success?
- What do you mean we’ve forgotten who we are?
- What words of wisdom would you give parents for their kids today?
- What are the most important lessons we can learn from your book The Carpenter.
- and and twitter @jongordon1
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