Richard Gordon Powerful Healing Technique for Yourself & Others! + Guided Meditation!
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If you’ve ever wanted to help your loved ones or others to heal, and wished there was something hands-on you could do, then do we have the healing show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Richard Gordon, best-selling author of Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience and author of one of our favorite books on healing, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal (Third Edition)
And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, using the power of touch to heal.
That plus we’ll talk about JULIUS the maine coon, having fun with a stradavarius, charging wine, making grapefruit taste better, Teddy’s miraculous recovery, energy ball icons, and what we can all learn from Mr. Rabbit!
Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch Organization, is a visionary and a pioneer. With 40 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the best-selling author of ‘Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal’, now published in 17 languages, and ‘Your Healing Hands – The Polarity Experience’, available in 10 languages.
While attending Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico in the 70’s, Richard discovered the power of working with energies and hands-on healing. This work led to a wide range of further discoveries as Richard began to explore all the energies around his hands. He eventually met an awe-inspiring healer named Bob Rasmussen, who had an extraordinary ability to heal people’s bodies with his hands. Richard began apprenticing with him and this is how his work was born.
Richard founded the Quantum-Touch organization more than 16 years ago. The organization currently has more than 1,000 certified practitioners in 50+ countries around the globe. Their vision and mission is to help improve the health and quality of life for many people using simple, easy to learn energy healing techniques.
With his expertise and passion for sharing the message about hands-on healing, Richard has travelled around the globe to speak at medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges. He was faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute.
Richard recently wrote, ‘Quantum-Touch 2.0 – The New Human’ which explores the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field.
Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) endorsed Richard’s work, calling it, “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”
“Quantum Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the life force energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Quantum Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.”
– Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch Organization Founder
Key Topics:
- What is Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience
- Who changed Richard’s life?
- How Richard got into energy healing
- What is the body’s self-healing mechanism
- What does the placebo effect have to do with anything
- What it means to run energy (and how did it save Michael Sandler’s life)
- What it chi, qi, prana, energy or force?
- What’s important about Dr. Imoto
- How healing energy can be put into an object
- Can anyone do energy healing?
- What does moving energy feel like?
- Brief guided meditation for feeling energy
- What does moving energy have to do with sex?
- What’s 4 x 4 breathing?
- What does breathing have to do with moving energy?
- What do different energy patterns mean?
- What does the healing do to the healer?
- Does this healing last forever?
- Where illness comes from
- What does suppressed anger have to do with anything?
- What are human blockages that get in the way of our healing
- What can help your zen meditation
- What is energy healing 2.0
- What’s the heart-to-heart objects
- Do healers need to be unhealthy to heal?
- How do we heal ourselves?
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