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Robert Keith Wallace, PhD & Fred Travis, PhD Share Ayurveda Parenting Wisdom for Greater Happiness, Health, & Success!

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If you’ve ever felt there has to be a better way to parent, where you get along with your kids, work as a team, and overcome life’s toughest situations, even meltdowns, then do we have the dharma parenting show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Robert Keith Wallace, PhD a pioneering researching on the psychology of consciousness and the founding president of Maharshi University of Management, and Frederick Travis, PhD, world-renowned neuroscientist who studies the brainwave patterns of children and directs the Center for Brain Consciousness and Cognition, and both the co-authors of Dharma Parenting: Understand Your Child’s Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Health, Success, and Fulfillment, a fantastic book with an Ayurvedic take on parenting. I love it!

Today we’ll talk about understanding your Child’s Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Health, Success, and Fulfillment, and to help make your life easier as a parent.

That plus we’ll talk about and the enemy of fatigue, the dreaded B word, what’s the difference between a looking day and a buying day, why families are no longer run by dictatorship, or by spanking for that matter what in the world’s the car game, and why is a horse-drawn Amish vehicle worth 50 points???

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Robert Keith Wallace is a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness. His work has inspired hundreds of studies on the benefits of meditation and other mind-body techniques. Dr. Wallace’s findings have been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American. He received his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA, and he conducted postgraduate research at Harvard University. Dr. Wallace is founding president and member of the board of trustees of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, He is Co-Dean of the College of Perfect Health and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Health.

Fred Travis received his Masters and PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management in 1988. He has a valuable post-doctoral position investigating sleep with Irwin Feinberg at the VA in Martinez. After exploring brain changes during sleep, He returned to Maharishi University of Management as director of the Brain, Consciousness and Cognition Center in 1990.

He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on brain and consciousness. He has authored 72 papers and book chapters that investigated effects of Transcendental Meditation practice on: (1) normal child development, (2) ADHD in children, (3) posttraumatic stress in veterans and refugees, (4) brain patterns of higher states of consciousness, and (5) brain patterns of world class performers.


Robert Keith Wallace, PhD & Fred Travis, PhD Online: Website| Facebook

Fred Travis Online, PhD: Website 

Key Topics:

  • How’d they get into meditation
  • How long they’ve been practicing Transcendental Meditation – starting with Maharishi
  • What motivated them to write Dharma Parenting for kids
  • What families are not supposed to be dictatorships
  • How we learned how to parent
  • Why it’s so important to learn how to get in balance
  • What we can learn from John Douillard of Mind, Body & Sport
  • ayurveda / ayurvedic parenting wisdom
  • What are brain-body types and what are doshas?
  • What Ayurveda has to do with parenting
  • What different brain stages have to do with parenting and how you talk with your kids
  • What dosha quiz you can find at
  • Why is fatigue the enemy?
  • What it means to have a dosha out of balance
  • What’s sleep inertia
  • Why our brains function best at 1.8 mph
  • How understanding dosha type can help with conception, gestation and pregnancy
  • Why a pregnant mother needs to be protected so that she doesn’t feel threatened when she is pregnant
  • Why do we want to save our money and skip the stroller
  • What are the six tools of Dharma
  • Why you want to carry your children on your back
  • Why it’s so important to walk at a child’s speed, not at adult speed
  • What mirror neurons have to do with anything, and why kids learn by watching
  • Why don’t we want to tell our child to stop crying
  • Why routines are so important for kids
  • And why and how it’s necessary to change a brain state
  • What you want to do when there’s a meltdown
  • Why it’s so important to anticipate and adapt
  • What’s wrong with reacting to a child with anger
  • What does electronics have to do with a child’s behavior
  • Why don’t we want to use food as a motivator
  • Why routines are so important to help kids from spinning out
  • Why mealtime and walk time is so important for parenting and our kids
  • Why electronics shouldn’t be the tool for babysitting
  • What’s the importance of an attachment relationship (from neuroscience)
  • Meditation, spirituality and a child
  • Why sitting techniques for transcendental meditation can be started at 10
  • Why kids can learn walking meditation at 4 years old
  • Why you want to start which meditation for children
  • Why doing yoga asanas together can be so important
  • get a free quiz and 4 page report for yourself and your child

Related Podcasts:

INSPIRE #141: What You Need to Know About Electronic Screen-Time Especially if You Have Kids! (Victoria L Dunckley, MD)

INSPIRE #190: How to Build Strong Healthy Relationships for Home, Office & Kids! Plus Meditation! (Amy Banks MD, “Wired to Connect”)


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