If you’ve ever felt you’ve lost your way, then do we have the Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life, show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Boyd Varty, master life coach author, and TED speaker, who runs retreats that merge tracking, coaching and storytelling at the Londolozi Gme Reserve in South Africa, and the author of my favorite book of 2019, The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life!
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about going deep inside, finding your wilder-self, and rediscovering your gift, your purpose, and your mission.
What does Lion Tracking have to do with your life? Apparently, a LOT!!! This is my favorite BOOK of the year, and perhaps my favorite INTERVIEW of the year as well!!! Boyd Varty on the Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life!!!
The wildlife and literacy activist Boyd Varty, author of the memoir Cathedral of the Wild, had an unconventional upbringing. Born to a family of conservationists, Boyd grew up on Londolozi Game Reserve in the South African wilderness, a place where man and nature strive for balance, where perils exist alongside wonders. Founded more than 90 years ago as a hunting ground, Londolozi was transformed into a nature reserve beginning in 1973 by Varty’s father and uncle, visionaries of the restoration movement. But it wasn’t just a sanctuary for the animals; it was also a place for ravaged land to flourish again and for the human spirit to be restored. When Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years of imprisonment, he came to the reserve to recover.
Since childhood, Boyd shared his home with lions, leopards, snakes, and elephants and has spent his life in apprenticeship to the wisdom of nature. Boyd survived a harrowing black mamba encounter, a debilitating bout with malaria, even a vicious crocodile attack, but his biggest challenge was a personal crisis of purpose. As a university student, he studied psychology and ecology, supplementing his education by learning martial arts in Thailand, hiking through the jungles of the Amazon, and apprenticing to a renowned tracker from the Shangaan tribe deepening his intimate knowledge of the natural world. Boyd grew up speaking the local language and learning the true meaning of coexistence between people and with nature.
At the core of his work is the impulse of life towards healing, wholeness and wildness. He works in both the USA and South Africa to connect people to nature and to their own true inner nature.
Boyd Varty is a major voice of the new consciousness. He engages audiences across the world on the subject of forging connections in ourselves, in our communities and with the earth. He speaks to those who long for a way of interaction both simpler and more profound than the way most of us live in the world today.
Boyd has a psychology degree from the University of South Africa. He is a certified Master Life Coach, the author of two books and a TED speaker. Boyd has spent the last ten years refining the art of using wilderness as a place for deep introspection and personal transformation. Having taught his philosophy of “Tracking your Life” to companies and individuals all over the world he has been featured in the New York Times and NBC.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
TS Eliot
Key Topics:
- How did Boyd Varty end up on a lion reserve?
- What did his father learn from his deep connection with the land?
- How did Boyd end up weaving coaching and lion-tracking together?
- What does tracking mean to Boyd?
- Who is Boyd’s teacher Renias and what has he taught him about tracking and life?
- What is the importance of waking up and presence?
- What does it mean that life is full of information?
- What does it mean that we must train ourselves to see our tracks?
- How do we learn to follow a deeper, wiser, wilder place inside of ourselves?
- What’s the danger of losing ourselves in shoudls?
- How do we turn our attention back to our wilder selves?
- When it comes to rediscovering our path, what’s it mean to find our first tracks?
- What’s it mean to read the subtle tracks of our body?
- What do we do if we lose our track???
- What does Joseph Campbell mean by “If you can see your whole life’s path laid out before you, then it’s not your life’s path?
- What is inner tracking and how do we do it?
- How do we begin to trust our instincts?
- To find out more visit:
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