If you’ve wanted to live in the mystery, more connected to nature and to spirit, then do we have the Expect Great Things show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Kevin Dann, PhD naturalist, historian, biographer, and the author of an utterly astonishing book on Henry David Thoreau, Expect Great Things: The Life and Search of Henry David Thoreau.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about the mystic, the spiritual seeker, and the transcendental naturalist, Henry David Thoreau.
am a historian, naturalist, and troubadour, and author of 12 books, including Expect Great Things: The Life and Search of Henry David Thoreau. I have taught at Rutgers University, University of Vermont, and the State University of New York. Happily hawking my incomparable TinyTown Tonic, I am now engaged in the homeopathic healing of wounded places large and small, under the moniker of the Wick & Way-Hey Company of New London, CT. Stay tuned, dear friends, for Dr. Dann’s Emporium of Wonders!
Expect Great Things: The Life and Search of Henry David Thoreau (Tarcher/Penguin: 2017)
(with Robert Powell)
The Astrological Revolution: Unveiling the Science of the Stars as a Science of Reincarnation and Karma
(Lindisfarne Press/Steiner Books: 2010)
(with Robert Powell)
Christ and the Maya Calendar: 2012 & the Coming of the Antichrist
(Lindisfarne Press/Steiner Books: 2009)
A Book of Wonders, Marvels, Mysteries, Myth, & Magic
(Fortunatus/Sophia Perennis: 2008)
A Short Story of American Destiny, 2009/1909
(Fortunatus/Sophia Perennis: 2008)
Lewis Creek Lost and Found
(University Press of New England: 2001)
Across the Great Border Fault: The Naturalist Myth in America
(Rutgers University Press: 2000)
Bright Colors Falsely Seen: Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge
(Yale University Press: 1998)
Traces on the Appalachians: A Natural History of Serpentine in Eastern North America
(Rutgers University Press: 1988)
In past years I have taught everything from 8th grade physics to botany (at Waldorf schools), and have taught Native American history at Rutgers University, environmental history at UVM, history of science at ASU, University of Minnesota and the University of Oklahoma, and Modern World History at Plattsburgh State University.
- PhD 1995, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (American History/Environmental History) Fields: American cultural/intellectual history; North American environmental history
- MA 1984, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (Geography)
- BA 1979, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA (Biology/Natural History)
- Modern Global History
- American Cultural History
- History of Western Esotericism
- History of Consciousness
- History of Natural History
- New England Environmental History
Kevin Dann Online: Website
Key Topics:
- What was Kevin’s connection to nature growing up?
- Did he have a spiritual connection to the earth?
- How did Henry David Thoreau’s work influence him?
- How did he become interested in Native American History?
- What’s it mean to know thy land?
- What was Henry David Thoreau’s life mission?
- What was his connection with Indian identities?
- What’s the mission of Kevin Dann?
- Why was the book named Expect Great Things?
- What’s the importance of this title?
- How did Thoreau attract great things into his life?
- How did he use the law of attraction?
- How did he act in resonance?
- Why was Thoreau so incredibly observant?
- How was Thoreau drawn to nature?
- Why did Thoreau have such a deep respect for solitude?
- What did it mean to take a journey on the inside?
- How did Thoreau see a connection between the material and the spiritual world?
- What was the magic he found in nature?
- What was the importance of having child-like joy?
- And of dancing and poetic prose?
- How and why did Thoreau’s life completely change in 1850?
- What can we learn from Thoreau in attracting great things into our lives?
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