If you’ve ever wanted more peace, even during stormy times, then do we have the show for you!
Today we’ll talk about finding peace, bringing peace to the moment, staying out of a place of fear, and how to return to peace, especially when the storms have just passed.
That plus we’ll talk about working on the floor, kitties climbing walls, storage units and midnight, move, move, where the move, the power of coaching sales, lawn-mowering gone bad, eclipses and intention ceremonies, and what in the world Zippy, Izzy, Junior and Bebe, have to do with anything!
Listen to the podcast below!
Key Topics:
- What is TV close?
- Why is all of the furniture out of Michael and Jessica’s home?
- What has hurricane Irma done for the Inspire Nation Show?
- What it means to surrender to your experience?
- How Jessica got mild mold-toxicity poisoning again?
- What she’d done through this experience?
- What it means when the same event comes back and back and back into your life?
- What it means to spiral upwards up the mountain?
- What’s the importance of prayer in times of desperation?
- What’s the importance of dropping into your meditation?
- What it means to have a mini-retreat center?
- What it means that we’re truly fortunate.
- What it means to truly drop everything and be here now?
- How to find focus even when storms are barreling down at you?
- What it means to get grounded or rooted in times of strife?
- How to listen to guidance of the Universe?
- What does it mean to turn things into ceremony?
- What was Michael and Jessica’s solar eclipse totality experience – in the rain, like?
- What’s the importance of cutting yourself slack and not getting down on yourself?
- Why it’s okay to rely on others
- What does it mean to hold onto to others in times of need?
- What it means to hold space for others?
- How these experiences are opportunities to reflect on how far we’ve come
- What’s the importance of this one precious, special, sacred moment?
- What is a perfect moment, and how does one experience it?
Related Podcasts:
INSPIRE #181: How to Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life (Kimberley Heart, Get Love)
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