If you’ve ever wanted to get more living out of life, then do we have the Psycho-Cybernetics
show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN award winning writer and Vice-President and Editor in Chief at Tarcher Perigee about one of my newest all-time favorite books, a true classic, that could have been written yesterday, Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition: The Original Text of the Classic Guide to a New Life.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about how to steer your mind to a productive useful goal, so you can reach the greatest port in the world, happiness and peace of mind.
Mitch Horowitz is a writer and publisher with a lifelong interest in man’s search for meaning. The PEN Award-winning author of Occult America and One Simple Idea, Mitch has written on everything from the war on witches to the secret life of Ronald Reagan for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Salon, and Time. The Washington Post says Mitch “treats esoteric ideas and movements with an even-handed intellectual studiousness that is too often lost in today’s raised-voice discussions.” He is also the voice of popular audio books including Alcoholics Anonymous and The Jefferson Bible, and host of the web series ORIGINS: SUPERSTITIONS. Mitch is vice president and executive editor at Tarcher Perigee, a division of Penguin Random House. Visit him at
Key Topics:
- What is psycho-cybernetics
- Who was Dr. Maxwell Maltz?
- How did a plastic surgeon come to write a self-help book
- What does it mean that man has a machine which he uses?
- What’s the self-image, and how is it a self-fulfilling loop?
- What’s imaginary ugliness?
- What’s the success mechanism or the built-in guidance system
- What’s the importance of being goal oriented?
- Are mistakes a bad thing?
- What’s the real secret to visualization?
- What’s the best way to imagine ourselves (finding success, living dreams, etc.)
- What does it mean to be hypnotized by our beliefs?
- How do we dehypnotize ourselves?
- Why do we want to examine and re-examine our beliefs?
- Why’ don’t we want to be too careful?
- How can happiness be cultivated and developed?
- What’s a happiness habit?
- How do we reprogram our self-image?
- What’s the importance of persistence?
- How do we move past self-doubt?
- How do we chose the right path in life?
- One homework assignment to help you overcome setbacks
- For more info visit: http://www.MitchHorowitz.comÂ
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