Lisa Bodell on How to Succeed in Business, Home, and Life through Simplification!
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If you’ve ever felt your life, work, or business, has gotten way too complex, then do we have the Why Simple Wins
show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Lisa Bodell, founder and CEO of Futurethink, business consult to organizations such as Google, and the best-selling author of Kill the Company and her latest, Why Simple Wins: Escape the Complexity Trap and Get to Work That Matters.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to escape the complexity trap and get to work that matters.
That plus we’ll talk about large banks and newsletters, what in the world’s a laundry decree, multi-tasking at kids sporting events, what’s a cut-the-crap committee, when you want to take the air out of the tires, why you don’t need 283 types of coffee beans, and 98 types of rice, and why in the world every Ikea purchase should come with marriage counseling.
Lisa Bodell serves as a global council member of the World Economic Forum; and has helped thousands of senior leaders ignite innovation at Bloomberg, Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, and many others. She has been rated as a top speaker at Google’s client events and is the author of the best-selling book Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution, which won the 2014 Axiom Best Business Book Award and was voted Best Business Book by USA Book News and Booz & Co. Her new book, Why Simple Wins, will be released October 2016. Lisa is an advisor on the boards of the Association of Professional Futurists; and Novartis’ Diversity and Inclusion Board in Basel, Switzerland. Among her many academic activities, Lisa has taught innovation and creativity at both American and Fordham Universities.
Key Topics:
- Why’d she write Kill the Company
- What were the roadblocks to change and innovation
- What it means in business and personal life to have the space to innovate
- What does ‘More is Less’ start to look like?
- What’s our addiction to ‘more’
- What the secret to Southwest Airlines
- Why should Ikea purchases come with marriage counseling
- What exactly is simplicity?
- What does M.U.R.A. stand for?
- What’s the importance of autopilot?
- What’s going on with Millennials today?
- If we’re looking for a job, how can we tell what a simple work environment or corporate culture looks like?
- What happened at Life is Good when it comes to email
- What’s a time-box with no email
- What’s the importance of saying no to things
- What it means to chunk your time
- What’s the cutting the crap committee?
- What we can learn from Nancy Colier, today’s guest and the power of off
- How meditation and transcendental meditation can help?
- What are conscious decisions we can make to help bring simplicity into our lives?
- What’s a simplicity toolkit look like?
- What we can learn from Google’s email rules and meeting rules
- What’s a time inventory?
- What is ‘Practice Two Today’?
- What’s the practice of ‘what if I didn’t’
- What’s the importance of throwing things out?
- What’s a simplicity statement?
- What does worth have to do with value and busyness
- What advice would we give to parents to give them more time with their kids?
- What it means ‘the first step to realize your dreams is to wake up’
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