Vidyamala Burch on How To Relieve Chronic Pain and Illness & Reduce Stress Thru Mindfulness! + Guided Meditation
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If you’ve ever experienced chronic pain, illness, or discomfort, then do we have the You Are Not Your Pain show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Vidyamala Burch, best-selling author of numerous books including Living Well with Pain and Illness, and the co-author of a very special new book, You Are Not Your Pain: Using Mindfulness to Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Restore Well-Being—An Eight-Week Program.
And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today. About using mindfulness to relieve pain, reduce stress, and restore well-being.
That plus we’ll talk about being why you want to be a yacht, not a dinghy, taming the mustang of our mind, coffee meditations, what in the world happened to Roseto, the power of smiling, voluntary calf burning, and why more guys hit on the girls when they’re swaying from a bridge.
Vidyamala Prue Burch is Founder and co-Director of Breathworks, a not-for-profit social enterprise. Breathworks is highly regarded as an international organization devoted to offering mindfulness and compassion to people suffering from pain, illness and stress Breathworks teachers offer courses in over 25 countries.
Vidyamala teaches and speaks internationally at conferences and workshops and is increasingly in demand as an online seminar presenter. She has a global presence and is greatly respected as an expert on mindfulness for pain and illness.
In 2008 she wrote Living well with Pain and Illness – the mindful way to free yourself from suffering that is now published in 12 languages. In 2013 she co-authored Mindfulness for Health with Danny Penman (published as You are Not Your Pain in the USA). This won first prize in the British Medical Association book awards 2014 in the ‘Popular Medicine’ category – clinical books aimed at the general public. Mindfulness for Health has also been published in 12 languages with many more in the pipeline. More recently she co-authored Mindfulness for Women, published in February 2016. She has also published a number of popular guided meditation CDs and DVDs.
Breathworks grew out of Vidyamala’s personal experience of managing chronic pain following spinal injuries and surgery in her teens. She learned mindfulness and compassion meditations when she was 25 and has used these over the subsequent 30 years to create a fulfilling quality of life, despite ongoing pain and disability.
Key Topics:
- What’s happened in Vidyamala’s family recently
- What happened to Vidyamala at 17 in New Zealand
- What happened when she was in an intensive care ward?
- How’d she start working with Jon Kabat Zinn
- How mindfulness and meditation began to help with the pain
- How a Buddhist meditation retreat also began to help
- How she developed a Mindfulness Based Pain Management program through a company called Breathworks
- What was the significance of starting to help other people
- What was a body meditation that she teaches in her book
- What does gentle, kind, and tender have to do with meditation?
- Why doesn’t squashing pain or pushing it away work
- What is the story of the arrow or the dart – from the Buddha
- What’s it mean to take the mustang of your mind?
- What is secondary reactive pain?
- How do we stop our secondary reactive pain?
- What does pacing mean?
- What is inner-strength and what does it have to do with mindfulness?
- What’s a zen Buddhist yielding mind
- How do our brains automate for suffering?
- What’s a negativity bias?
- What’s a green zone and what is green zone 101?
- What’s the importance of nature and getting out into beauty?
- How important is it to have a daily meditation practice, or simply a daily practice?
- What are reminders to come back to the breath (and the power of the green dot)
- What’s the importance of non-judgment?
- What’s the balance between human beings and human doings?
- What can we learn from Roseto Pennsylvania
- and
- What’s the importance of making a random act of kindness
- How do we flex the self-love muscle
- What’s the importance of smiling?
- What is Mindfulness in Schools and what is .b?
- What is FOFBOC?
- What is a kindly breathing meditation?
- A short guided meditation
Related Podcasts:
INSPIRE #213: How to Live Well with Chronic Pain or Illness! (Toni Bernhard)
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