INSPIRE #250: How to Harness the Power of Your Own Authentic Voice!
Todd Henry, Author of The Accidental Creative & Die Empty Shares The Power of Discovering Your Authentic Voice & Passion To Stand Apart & Find True Success Happiness & Creativity!
Listen to the podcast below!
If you’ve ever wanted to discover your voice, lead a meaningful life and become great at whatever you do, then do we have the inspiring show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Todd Henry, the best-selling author of Die Empty and The Accidental Creative, and one of my new favorite books on mastery, a subject I love to geek out on. It’s called Louder than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice.
And that’s what I want to talk about today, about harnessing the power of your own authentic voice and what that really truly means, to become the best at whatever your do, and feel great about it, or at least on path, while you’re in the process.
That, plus we’ll talk about Elvis and truck driving, Amos and Taylor Swift, Chris Rock and little steps, book bullies, the ok plateau, premature optimization, and why in the world Jimi Hendrix would open for the Monkees.
Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of three books (The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, and Louder Than Words) which have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership, and passion for work.
His book Die Empty was named by as one of the best books of 2013.
His latest book, Louder Than Words, is about how to develop an authentic voice that resonates and creates impact. Bestselling author Tom Rath called it “…one of the best guides to living a meaningful life I have ever read.”
Key Topics:
- How Todd Henry met DJ Z-Trip
- LL Cool J and Other Hip Hop Artists at the Grammies with Z-Trip!
- What mastery has to do with voice?
- What’s the difference between an occupation and a vocation (business, career, vs passion)
- What is ‘unnecessary creativity’ and why is creativity so important (Something he talked about in his bookThe Accidental Creative).
- What Lisa Congdon says about creative endeavors and a U shape curve (similar to hiking down a canyon)
- What’s a false plateau when it comes to expertise, progress, and success
- Scott Belsky calls it the ‘project plateau’
- How do we move past fear
- Neil Fiore, PHD, author of the Now Habit, and the perceived consequences of failure
- John Acuff – why you don’t want to compare your start to someone else’s middle
- From The Accidental Creative – the Expectation Escalation
- What’s the Cognitive Bias?
- Why we don’t want to isolate yourself
- What’s the importance of the coach or the ‘mirror’
- What we can learn from Elvis and the Grand Ole’ Oprey and truck-driving
- What positive nuggets can we take from criticism
- What we can learn from Chris Rock in refining his skills
- What’s the ‘Deep End Fallacy’
- Why self-compassion and kindness is so important to overcome the inner critic
- Martin Seligman, the three ways of inner criticism
- What’s the OK Plateau from Joshua Foer in Moonwalking with Einstein
- What is crisis phase?
- What it means to be stuck in Busy Boredom (a concept from Todd Henry’s book Die Empty)
- Why it’s not about the job or career?
- Why you want to look at how to make it more creative and exciting
- How this has bearing on relationships as well
- What’s the Through Line?
- How was Jimi Hendrix an opening act for the Monkees
- What’s it mean to fail forward?
- Why failure is not a bad thing
- What’s the power of resilience
- How he keeps an index card of daily practices – called “The Dailies”
- What are the top 5 daily practices you want to make sure you get done every day as an infrastructure to help you be in game shape (think Navy Seals)
- How important is meditation?
- What Banff has to do with meditation (and silence)
- Donald Knuff – premature optimization (interview with Kevin Kelly and Tim Ferriss)
- Lewis Hyde from The Gift – why it’s so important to find out what is uniquely you, your unique contribution to the world
- What he’s teaching his kids about their authentic voices
- What kind of guitar does he play :o)
- What’s the importance of nature for him
- find his Accidental Creative podcast & Twitter feed here
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