INSPIRE #244: The Go-Giver Secret to Wealth, Success & a Happy Life!
John David Mann Shares The Secret to Excellence, Success, Mastery & Leadership (+ relationships!) In & Out of Business Whether Entrepreneur, CEO or anywhere in-between!
Listen to the podcast below!
If you’ve ever wanted do more, be more, reach for your dreams, or simply feel better about your job, then do we have the go-giver show for you!
Today I’ll be speaking with John David Mann, entrepreneur and award-winning coauthor of numerous NYT best-sellers including Flash Foresight and The Red Circle, and a paradigm busting new favorite of mine…well, two really, The Go-Giver, Expanded Edition: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea, and The Go-Giver Leader: A Little Story About What Matters Most in Business
It’s not often a book comes along today that shakes me to the core. But particularly as we’re asking, who do we want to be when we grow up, here at Inspire Nation, or how do we take things to a whole new level, that these books are incredibly important.
Today we’ll talk about taking your life to a whole new level, dream big, reaching your dreams, and achieving what you once thought impossible, but through a completely different direction, then you likely ever thought of.
That, plus we’ll talk about the power of muddy beginnings, a ping pong stadium, and why you DO want to let them see you sweat.
John David Mann is an award-winning author whose writings have earned the Nautilus Award, the Axiom Business Book Award (Gold Medal), and Taiwan’s Golden Book Award for Innovation; his books are published in more than two dozen languages and have sold more than 2 million copies. He is coauthor of the international bestseller “The Go-Giver” with Bob Burg, the New York Times bestsellers “The Red Circle” with Brandon Webb and “Flash Foresight” with Daniel Burrus, “Take the Lead” with Betsy Myers (named Best Leadership Book of 2011 by Tom Peters and The Washington Post), and the national bestseller “The Slight Edge” with Jeff Olson. His “Among Heroes,” with former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb, was released on Memorial Day 2015.
John has been creating careers since he was a teenager. At age 17, he and a few friends started their own high school in Orange, New Jersey (called Changes, Inc. — you can read about it in his book, “The Zen of MLM”). Before turning to business and journalism, he forged a successful career as a concert cellist and prize-winning composer. At 15 he was recipient of the 1969 BMI Awards to Student Composers and several New Jersey State grants for composition; his musical compositions were performed throughout the U.S. and his musical score for Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound” (written at age 13) was performed at the amphitheater in Delphi, Greece, where the play was originally premiered.
His diverse career has made him a thought leader in several different industries. In 1986 John founded and wrote for Solstice, a journal on health, nutrition and environmental issues; his series on the climate crisis (yes, he was writing about this back in the eighties) was selected for reprint in Utne Reader. In 1992 John edited and produced the underground bestseller “The Greatest Networker in the World” by John Milton Fogg, which became the defining book in its field. During the 1990s, John built a multimillion-dollar sales/distribution organization of over 100,000 people. He was cofounder and senior editor of the legendary journal Upline and editor in chief of Network Marketing Lifestyles and Networking Times.
He is married to Ana Gabriel Mann and considers himself the luckiest mann in the world. You can visit him at
John Mann David Online: Website
Key Topics:
- How John started his own high school.
- How he started his own high school, and later went back and taught there as part of the faculty
- How he became a concert cellist, then became a composer, then went into natural health
- How he found his way to publishing and becoming a best-selling author
- How he began working with his co-author Bob Burke
- What’s the power of visualization – and how it created a worldwide best-seller
- What happened when The Go-Giver came out.
- How the concept of a go-giver has come about, and why it’s so accepted (and needed) today.
- Why ‘does it make money’ is such a vital question
- And why we’re not talking about taking a vow of poverty
- Why it’s so important to make money as well.
- Why you want to ask about giving first, and then powerfully ask about monetizing a very close second.
- What is the second law of compensation (And what it has to do with Dr. Demartini and The Secret)
- Why your compensation is determined by how many people you touch
- How Clayton Anderson focused on helping others and was able to become an astronaut
- How Rodney Dangerfield reinvented himself before helping others which absolutely transformed his career.
- What are the 3 reasons to work
- How the lead characters in The Go-Giver and The Go-Giver Leader both found their callings and were so open to unfamiliar ideas
- How John didn’t have time to write the Go-Giver, and yet, how he made time and it transformed his life…changing his business and career in the process!
- Why serving others can be your calling
- What John thinks of ‘Do What You Love and the Money will Follow’
- Why we need to say ‘how does this serve’ and then ‘does this make me money’
- Why what’s in the way is the way.
- Why 50/50 is a losing proposition
- Why you want to focus on the other person’s win (especially important in relationships and marriage…not to mention friendships!)
- What’s the danger of score-keeping and scorecards in relationships
- Why receiving is the natural state of giving
- Why we want to accept compliments (and don’t get to refuse the gift)
- Why self-love is so important
- Why there’s a limit to how much you can give if you don’t allow yourself to receive it (like giving and receiving love, or giving and receiving wealth and money for that matter)
- Why Bob Proctor (from The Secret) is not talking about taking a vow of poverty (A main character in the book is based on Bobo Proctor from The Secret)
- How do we keep ourselves grounded
- What’s the beauty of humility
- Why Stephen King says you ‘write the first draft with the door closed, the second draft with the door open’)
- What are the four pillars of success and what’s the importance of ‘soul’?
- Why it’s all about giving leadership vs. taking leadership
- Why a go-getter is not the opposite of a go-giver.
- To find John all books, sample chapters, excerpts, plus weekly blog, plus contact link going directly to John.
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