If you’ve ever wanted greater peace in your life right now, then do we have the Soma Breath show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Niraj Naik, rave artist, musician, The Renegade Pharmacist, and the founder of Soma Breath.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, changing your breath to change your life!
Niraj Naik is a qualified pharmacist who comes from a background of working long hours for several years as a community pharmacist. Becoming a certified “legal drug dealer” at the ripe age of 24, he got to witness first-hand many clients going home with shopping bags full of drugs each month, rarely getting better and usually going on to suffer from other diseases. He also learnt of the debilitating side effects of the prescription medication which drove many of the patients to have to take more and more drugs to ease the side effects.
Curious to find ways to improve his own health, he attended several health seminars and discovered an in-depth approach on how to reach optimum health and vitality by understanding the true origin of disease and how to prevent it. After experiencing great benefits with his own health, Niraj was motivated to devise a scheme to see if he could also help his suffering patients. He incorporated a lifestyle plan called his “healthy shopping lists” that include simple food swaps, tools, and websites to support their specific condition.
Within two weeks he received testimonials from patients who were starting to get better and within a few months some were able to lower the dose or completely come off their medication.
After an arduous battle trying to get his novel approach accepted into the mainstream that resulted in a lot of stress and disillusionment, in 2010 he was diagnosed with a stress-related illness, ulcerative colitis, that left him housebound for over 10 months. He was told by doctors and nurses there existed no cure and he would need to be on medication for the rest of his life.
Like his patients, Niraj suffered from side effects of his medication to the point he felt completely hopeless and even suicidal. He was then left with a choice that would be a major turning point in his life: test out a new drug or have his colon removed. He decided to choose option 3, a path not yet known by conventional medicine.
So began his search to learn from people who had great success with either curing themselves or others from chronic illness. He learned a combination of natural treatments including Ayurvedic practices, and dietary recommendations from Paleo and SCD. He studied healing methods through meditation, yoga, and mind power techniques like self hypnosis and NLP. He even discovered the powerful techniques of sound and music therapy as tools for reducing stress and promoting self healing.
Niraj finally broke free from the burdens of his illness, without medication.
The experience of illness has allowed him to completely reinvent his life and discover a new passion for helping others to do the same. His speciality is helping people recover, prevent, or reduce the dependency for longterm medication for metabolic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) and auto-immune diseases, where stress is an underlining factor in the cause.
Niraj is now a professional musician, holistic health expert, and entrepreneur. He runs several successful websites that help others who suffer from stress-related, chronic diseases through his self-composed, captivating meditation music and online courses. Niraj has composed music for healing centers, spas, and therapists worldwide.
Niraj can truly connect with so many individuals who are leading busy, high stress lives, as he has walked a mile in their shoes. It is understandable why Niraj no longer practices as a pharmacist, as his entire perception of disease and how to cure it has changed through his experience. He believes that the stress of modern living is the root cause of disease and poor health, and that treatment begins with self-belief.
Key Topics:
- How did Niraj end up in the Rave scene???
- How did he go from Rave to becoming a pharmacist?
- What did he find out about his patients, and how did he become “The Renegade Pharmacist”???
- How did Niraj end up with ulcerative colitis?
- What is the danger of fizzy drinks and soft drinks like Coca Cola???
- How did he heal himself, and what does the breath have to do with anything?
- What is pranayama?
- Who is Swami Abmikananda and what did she share about the breath?
- How does changing our breath help change our health?
- What is the idea of shallow breathing and holding your breath in?
- How does a shallow breath affect our stress and anxiety?
- How can changing our breath stimulate the vegas nerve and parasympathetic nervous system and calm the body down?
- What happens when you hold your breath?
- What is intermittent hypoxia training?
- What is the Wim Hoff method of breathing?
- How does this differ from Wim’s method?
- What is the advantage of less oxygen?
- Why is the exhale the off-switch for stretch?
- What is Soma breathing?
- What is the importance of extending the exhale?
- How can we practice soma breathing?
- What are the top 3 tips to change our breath and change our lives?
- Extended musical soma-breathing meditation
- What does it mean that “conspiring” or breathing together can change the world?
- To find out more and get a free webinar visit: and for more health tips visit:
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