How to Bring Happiness & Sanity to the Holidays through Mindfulness
Discover How to Stay Happy, Joyful & Sane, Over the Hectic & Crazy Holiday Season Through Simple Mindfulness Tips!
Listen to the Podcast Below!
Tis the season now, for shopping, parties, family, loved-ones and sometimes long-lines, unhappy campers, sometimes, overwhelming stress.
If this sounds like your life right now, don’t worry, you’re not alone, but do we have the show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Mindfulness Expert and Podcaster Bruce Langford, who has the Mindfulness Mode Podcast and co-authored a chapter of the Success Code with Brian Tracy.
We’ll talk about breathing into your days, staying in the now, and how you can use mindfulness to move past the chaos and stress this time of the year often brings.
Plus we’ll talk a bit about bullying, what really happened to Rudolph, and how Santa stood up for his elves!
Key Topics:
- How do you stay sane during the holiday season?
- How did you get into Mindfulness?
- How did you start the Mindfulness Mode podcast?
- How can one use mindfulness for stressful situations –or as a child to prevent bullying?
- How do you bring gratitude into your day?
- Why gratitude and fear can not co-exist in the same place at the same time.
- How to build up the confidence muscle or build your success gene.
- Why is the breath so important?
- Why are mantras so important?
- The power of brainwashing yourself!
- How do you stay centered —the eye of the storm— even when there’s craziness around?
- What’s the power of a staircase?
- How Pat Flynn, makes every moment count
- Why Wayne Dyer’s words mean so much.
- The importance of embracing our humanity
- Mindfulness tips for parents and their kids
- Why experiences with our kids matter more than gifts
- What it means to go Gazunga!
- The power of a kind word
- The power of a lead in
- The power of laughter
From Bruce:
I’ve always loved teaching, but when I learned that one of my students was being bullied, back in 2003, I knew I wanted to do more …
… thank you for stopping by and checking out my site to find out more about me and why I’m here on Mindfulness Mode. I couldn’t just stand by and let that seventh grade boy suffer. I counseled him, pondered on the seriousness of bullying, and then vowed to put together a program to help others who were going through similar struggles. That was over ten years ago and more than 1,750 presentations. I’ve presented locally and I’ve traveled to teach as much as I possibly could about bullying and how to deal with it. I wrote songs, blogged, made videos, co-authored a book with Brian Tracy and much more.One day, as I recollecting my journey, I came to this conclusion:My life is about helping people be happy.
Talking about bullying day in and day out was not always uplifting and I knew I couldn’t help others if I was pulled down. About three years ago I started practicing mindfulness and after four months I could tell it was making a huge difference. I was more relaxed, more focused, had better concentration, was feeling more successful, and I was definitely happier.
That’s when it hit me. What If I could use these same mindfulness techniques to help those who suffer from bullying and stress? My coaching clients agree with me. They tell me how their lives have changed. It is a good feeling to make a positive difference in the lives of others by sharing a bit of yourself. Mindfulness is effective and now science backs me up in this belief.
Because I love to share and help others, I decided to start a podcast where I interview people who use mindfulness to improve both their personal lives and professional lives. I hear stories everyday from interesting and inspiring people who believe in the power of mindfulness. I talk to scientists, doctors and other experts in the field of brain study and neurology.
A podcast is a great way to share the message so that you can listen easily … for free. And get new episodes automatically downloaded to your phone or device. How cool is that?
I invite you to reach out to me if you like. If there is anything I can help you with, I’d be delighted. Help yourself to the free content here on my site (I’ll be adding more weekly).
With appreciation and gratitude,
Related Podcast:
The Secret to Effortless Meditation (Dean Sluyter, Natural Meditation)
How to Easily Use Mindfulness for Greater Inner Peace & Happiness (Joseph Emet)
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