If you’ve ever seen a loved one before they passed away, and heard their final words, or words in the preceding weeks and wondered what they really meant, then do we have the Words at the Threshold
show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Lisa Smartt, linguist, educator, poet and the found of the Final Words Project, and the author of an amazing book new book, .Words at the Threshold: What We Say as We’re Nearing Death
In this show we look at people’s final words, from a few weeks out, to the last few breaths. We’ll look at what they mean, recurring themes, and why what we once thought was gibberish, may be anything but.
And we’ll see what our loved ones are trying to tell us, in their last moments and weeks, and why it can make all the difference in our lives.
Lisa Smartt, MA, is a linguist, educator, and poet. She is the author of Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death (New World Library 2017). The book is based on data collected through The Final Words Project,, an ongoing study devoted to gathering and interpreting the mysterious language at end of life. She has worked closely with Raymond Moody, guided by his research into language, particularly unintelligible speech. They have co-facilitated presentations about language and consciousness at universities, hospices and conferences.
Key Topics:
- How did Lisa come to study linguistics?
- What happened when her father was dying?
- What was her experience in her father’s last weeks?
- What does it mean that our loved ones speak in metaphors?
- What did her father’s metaphor of the big art show mean?
- Who is Raymond Moody and what did she learn from him about people’s last words
- What is the meaning behind there is so much so in sorrow.
- How Did the Final Words Project get started?
- How many people have been interviewed?
- What are signature metaphors?
- What’s the importance of things coming in threes or fours?
- Why is mentioning boxes so common?
- Why is transportation such an important metaphor and what does it mean?
- What did Steve Jobs say as his final words?
- What do circles have to do with anything?
- Why is what we thought was nonsense, perhaps anything but?
- What can we learn from neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman about dying and the brain?
- What can we learn from Dr. Eben Alexander?
- What were Roger Ebert’s last words?
- Is our first and final language unspoken?
- What’s the sunset day?
- Do our loved ones often come out of a coma just before they die?
- What is terminal lucidity?
- How common is after-death communication?
- What does automatic writing have to do with after-death communication?
- For More Info Visit:
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