INSPIRE #363: How To Slow Down & Live Better In A World Addicted To Speed
Carl Honore Shares the Power of Going Slow to Go Fast for Health, Happiness, Career & Success!
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you’ve ever felt you can’t get ahead, reach your goals, or come up with the quick fix that gets you where you want to go, then do we have the slow fix show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Carl Honore, one of my new favorite authors and guides, and the award winning writer of a fantastic read I’d consider candy for the brain…The Slow Fix: Solve Problems, Work Smarter, and Live Better in a World Addicted to Speed, about a philosophy I’ve shared for years, though sometimes forget to implement.
Today we’ll talk about moving slowly and thinking long-term to solve problems, work smarter, and live in a world addicted to speed.
That plus we’ll talk about hot cupping, Brazilian witch doctors, Andon ropes, Barry Manilow t-shirts, Clinton daily moments, why there’ll never be brown m&m’s for Van Halen, the danger of targetitis, why Michael Johnson switched from running 400’s to changing tires, rush hour in Bogotá, the power of pill UK-92480, and what’s coming next for the Bennerley band.
Carl Honoré is an award-winning writer, broadcaster and TED speaker (2 million views). He is also a globetrotting ambassador for the Slow Movement. The Wall Street Journal called him “an in-demand spokesman on slowness.”
After working with street children in Brazil, he covered Europe and South America for publications ranging from the Economist andObserver to the Miami Herald, Time andNational Post (Canada).
His first book, In Praise of Slow, examines our compulsion to hurry and chronicles a global trend toward putting on the brakes. TheFinancial Times said it is “to the Slow Movement what Das Kapital is to communism.” His second book, Under Pressure, was hailed by Time as the “gospel of the Slow Parenting movement.”
His latest book is called The Slow Fix. It explores how to solve problems in every walk of life, from business and politics to health and relationships, without falling for short-term, superficial quick fixes.
Translated into 35 languages, Carl’s books have landed on bestseller lists in many countries. In Praise of Slow was a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week and the inaugural choice for the new Huffington Post Book Club. It also featured in a British TV sitcom, Argentina’s version of Big Brother and aMotorola tablet advertisement. Under Pressure was a finalist for the Writers’ Trust Award, the top prize for non-fiction in Canada.
Carl starred in The Slow Coach, a BBC Radio 4 series in which he helped frazzled, over-scheduled Britons slow down. He presented a TV show called Frantic Family Rescue on Australia’s ABC. He also hosts a podcast called The Slow Revolution.
On top of writing, broadcasting and giving interviews about the Slow Movement, Carl rushes (slowly, of course) around the world to deliver speeches and workshops. His TED talk has been viewed 2 million times.
Carl is on the Advisory Board of Jack Media, which makes a “Slow” messaging app. He is also on the Board of Trustees of Hewitt Schoolin New York City.
Key Topics:
- Why quick fixes aren’t the answer – particularly for your health!
- What’s Toyota’s Andon rope for business?
- What are brain systems 1 and brain systems 2 and how does it affect our careers and decision making?
- What’s the einstellung effect?
- How is a slow fix being mindful, present or zen?
- How is moving slowly like a meditation?
- What does mindfulness and running and swimming have to do with one another
- What does fitness have to do with moving slowly?
- What the Royal Air Force has to do with moving slowly and what we can learn from dog fights and cotter pins
- What’s the importance of admitting mistakes?
- What’s the Clinton Rule?
- What’s the importance of thinking long and connecting the dots?
- Why do we want to beware of targetits?
- What does it really mean, whether career, business, or home that the devil is in the details?
- Why will there be no brown M&M’s for Van Halen?
- What’s the power of a checklist?
- What’s the power of sweating the small stuff?
- What can we learn from Grand Prix motorsports racing?
- What’s the importance of seeking ideas from everwhere?
- Why would you want to rent an office in a common space to benefit your career?
- What’s the importance of thinking alone and working together?
- What can we learn from rush our traffic in Bogota?
- What is Chore Wars and how do we make housework more fun?
- What’s the importance of turning the search for a fix into a game – and having fun?
- What’s the importance of trial and error?
- How do we embrace uncertainty?
- What can we learn from Chile and the Chagas?
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