Relationships and dating get interesting when you’re on your spiritual path.
For Angels like to meddle. And spiritual compatibility, incompatibility, and who’s where on the path do matter.
And especially where you are on your soul journey. Are you an old soul, or a new soul, and if you’re an old soul, have you inadvertently been attracting new ones?
Well Angels are here to help, as well as meddle a bit (we’ll share more), and in this special Valentine’s event, you’ll learn how to navigate relationships, dating, and theoretically, even the bedroom, when you’re headed down the spiritual road.
Plus how to heal old wounds, relationship patterns, and old energy that keeps you stuck in bad or abusive relationships, or relationships that just don’t work out.
AND you’ll discover how Michael Sandler was set up with Jessica Lee by the Angels–Woo Hoo!, and how she was, in her words, “conscripted”…
An arranged marriage from the Angels? You’ll find out!
Key Topics:
Angels are here to help, as well as meddle a bit (we’ll share more), and in this special Valentine’s event, you’ll learn how to navigate relationships, dating, and theoretically, even the bedroom, when you’re headed down the spiritual road.
Plus how to heal old wounds, relationship patterns, and old energy that keeps you stuck in bad or abusive relationships, or relationships that just don’t work out.
AND you’ll discover how Michael Sandler was set up with Jessica Lee by the Angels–Woo Hoo!, and how she was, in her words, “conscripted”…
An arranged marriage from the Angels? You’ll find out!
Related Podcasts:
Leave Your WORRIES to the ANGELS & Tap Into A Higher Vibration! Michael Sandler
What Your Angels NEED You to Know for the Holidays! Michael Sandler
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